2 Simple & Healthy Squash Recipes

Naturally Sweet Butternut Squash

Ingredients: coconut oil, sea salt, cinnamon


Step 1.) Peel the squash

Step 2.) Cut the squash in half the long way and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.

Step 3.) Get a pot ready with approx. 1/2 cup of a water and spoonful of coconut oil

Step 4.) Cut the squash into cubes and boil them until soft

Step 5.) Add salt and cinnamon! Mix it up, and let sit for 5-10 minutes.

It's that easy! Enjoy.

Spaghetti Squash & Lamb Meatballs

Ingredients: spaghetti squash, pack of grass-fed ground lamb or beef, 1 zucchini, crimini mushrooms, salt, pepper, thyme, garlic, butter, honey, parmesean cheese if you would like


Step 1.) cut the spaghetti squash in half and steam in a large pot for approximately 25 minutes (a half cup of water should do just fine).

Step 2.) dice up the zucchini & mushrooms (cut into half inch cubes).

Step 3.) knead salt, pepper, thyme, garlic into the meat before rolling 1 inch meatballs (approx. 1 oz.) that should be about 15-17 meatballs.

Step 4.) put mushrooms and zucchini into a separate pot and steam for about 5 minutes in a quarter cup of water, and a tablespoon of butter with the lid on. VEGGIES COMPLETE.

Step 5.) once the spaghetti squash is steamed-up, take it out of the pot, and put it to the side to cool. Re-use this pot for the meatballs. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and gently place in your meatballs. Cover with the lid, and let the meatballs stiffen on medium heat for approx. 2 minutes. Then add salt, pepper, and toss meatballs in the pot so that they get seasoned and cooked. Cook with lid off until your preferred tenderness (I like 5-7 minutes). MEATBALLS COMPLETE.

Step 6.) use a fork and scrape long-wise along the spaghetti squash to create the noodles. season it up with salt, pepper, garlic, thyme (as needed). You can add/shred cheese of your choosing (I like parmesan or pecorino). NOODLES COMPLETE.

Step 7.) Now we create the dish... add spaghetti, veggies, and meatballs to your plate(s). If you would like to add a sweetness to the dish, lightly drizzle honey over your spaghetti to give it a sweet and savory flavor!

For dessert, nature created MANGOES! Add lime & salt to your nature candy. Frozen mango slices are also delicious.


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Your Friend in Fitness & Mind,


Brysen FrenchComment